Creamatocrit Plus™
- Product Function
- Product Feature
- Product Principle
The creamatocrit technique is especially useful in the neonatal intensive care unit(NICU) to ensure premature infants are receiving the calories they need to thrive.
Creamatocrit Plus™ also guides the separation of foremilk and the high-lipid, high caloric hindmilk to accelerate weight gain in extremely low birthweight infants.

• Built-in automatic tube reader
• Displays creamatocrit, calories per ounce, kcalories per liter and fat grams per liter
• 3-minute centrifugation
• Whisper quiet operation
• Small, lightweight
• Replaces manual systems
• Eliminates calipers and conversion charts
• Built-in tachometer
• 6-place rotor
Creamatocrit Plus™ is the system dedicated to providing a fast, accurate creamatocrit measure. It introduces a simple, inexpensive, and accurate technique for estimating the lipid concentration and caloric density in mothers’ milk. It‘s basic information doctors need. And the peace-of-mind mothers need to continue breastfeeding.

- Fetal and maternal heart rate⋯
- Accuracy and reliability of fetal⋯
- Intrapartum Heart Rate Ambiguity⋯
- The quality of intrapartum fetal⋯
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