Maternal-fetal Holter
- Product Function
- Product Feature
- Product Principle
Maternal-fetal Holter can record the Maternal and fetal heart rate changes accurately and continuously for a long time, which is available to the outpatient, the ward and the maternity ward.
The purpose is to record the fetal heart rate changes at a special period and avoid the occurrence of adverse events.
• Pregnant women received with the outpatient NST suspicious, conduct continuous holter monitoring to further define the fetal heart state.
• Pregnant women with class II fetal heart monitoring suspicious, conduct continuous holter monitoring and focus on the changes in fetal heart to ensure the fetal heart monitoring type.
• Continuous monitoring to the high-risk pregnant women to detect the occurrence of deceleration while not affecting the patient’s rest.
• Pregnant women with painless labor, conduct continuous holter monitoring before and after labour pains and focus on the changes in fetal heart.
• Pregnant women with induced labour by some Propess drugs, focus on the changes in fetal heart continuously.

Maternal-fetal Holter for fetal heart monitor is similar to the ECG Holter for electrocardiogram. Maternal-fetal Holter can provide sufficient evidence for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease and the clinical value is doubled.
I. Accurate data
The FDA six channel polycentric experiment data verified that Holter can take the accurate data through the noninvasive method and reduce the false positive rate to a certain extent.
• The data accuracy is closed to the invasive method of FES and IUPC.
• Uterine contraction plethysmographic is more accurate.
Compared with IUPC:
• Holter can identify 87 percent of the uterine contraction, but TOCO can identify only 55 percent of the uterine contraction.
• Improve clinical interpretability, 97 percent of the Holter uterine contraction plethysmographic has a clear clinical significance, but TOCO only have 67 percent.
• The maternal and fetal HR composite rate from Holter is very low (0.36%), but Doppler’s is 9.8%. And Holter can provide the change trend of maternal heart rate.
II. Continuous monitoring
• Clear suspicious fetal heart monitoring type, can take a continuous fetal heart rate monitoring for more than 20 hours, NST suspicious pregnant and class II fetal heart monitoring pregnant can be performed a long time monitoring to ensure the fetal heart monitoring type.
• Safe and effective, continuous monitoring for high risk pregnant women, find the abnormalities between two fetal heart monitoring timely and don’t affect pregnant women rest to avoid adverse outcomes of maternal and fetus.
III. Comfortable activity
• Pregnant women can do some appropriate activities to accelerate labor progress during monitoring.
• Fetal position cannot impact the monitoring without operational experience.
• Paste the electrode without adjusting, the signal can be jointed automatically.
• Don’t bound to the bandage, don’t need to keep a same position.
IV. Effective to the obese
• Maternal-fetal Holter can continuously monitor the fetal ECG, maternal ECG and uterine myoelectricity for more than 20 hours by using the internationally advanced FECG technology.
• Extract, analyze and display the fetal heart rate variation curve, maternal heart rate variation curve and uterine contraction curve.

- Fetal and maternal heart rate⋯
- Accuracy and reliability of fetal⋯
- Intrapartum Heart Rate Ambiguity⋯
- The quality of intrapartum fetal⋯
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